Monday, June 29, 2020

Google Dorking/Google Hacking

This blog is for educational purposes only. 

Google Dorking:
Google Dorking is also known as Google Hacking. It's a hacking technique for advanced searching.

Here are few examples for advanced search parameter

  • In-text
  • In URL
  • In title
  • Site
  • File type 

In-text: If you need to find all the results on google which contain some words then we use intext.
For example, we need to find all search results that contain or have the word 'developer' we will type as Intext:developer in the search bar.

We will get the result where the text would be containing the desired word as we mentioned.

Refer the screenshot as shown below 

In URL: If you need to find all the results where the URL has the word 'developer', this google dork could be helpful.

We will get the result where the URL would be containing the desired word as we mentioned.

Refer the screenshot as shown below 

In-title: If you need to find all the results where the title has the word 'developer', this google dork could be really helpful. Just type Intitle:developer

We will get the result where the title would be containing the desired word as we mentioned.

Refer the screenshot as shown below 

Site: If you need to find particular sub-domains of a site this dork can be used. For example, if you want all the search results should be of then type and all the results would be from this search or will be either sub-domains of

Network geek is an institution where I did a course called CCNA routing and switching, cisco certification.

Refer the screenshot as shown below 

File type: If you need to find all the results where the file type is ppt on some specific topic, this google dork could be really helpful. Just type filetype:ppt on networking 

Thanks for reading, see you in the next article:) 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Common tools used by Hackers

This article is only for educational purpose.

There are 'n' numbers of hacking tools,in this blog,we would be talking about some of the most common tools used.

NETDISCOVER: Netdiscover is a tool which is used to find the the number of active hosts  on the network.This is the basic scanner.


Netdiscover -i eth0 -r [IP Address]  
Here 'i' is defined as interface and 'r' as range

output for this command is

NMAP [Network Mapper]: NMAP is one of the most widely used tools by hackers.This is a more advanced scanner compare to Nedtdiscover.

In Linux if we want to the know in depth about any topic we can use the man page,Just type man (name of the topic)

  • Ping Scan:Ping scan is used to see the number of active host  on the network.It's similar to Netdiscover 
nmap -sn [IP Address]   

  • OS Detection: OS Detection is use to find out the operating system of the host machine or attacker's machine.
nmap -O [IP Address]

  • Service Version Detection: Service version detection is used to know about the ports and service running on those ports.All scan deals with port only scans 1000 ports by default.
nmap -sV [IP Address]

  • Aggressive Scan:This is one of the best scan in nmap.It's used to find the OS,in detail about the ports,services used on the port and the version of service.
nmap -A [Ip Address]

Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading :),See you in next article!


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