Monday, September 14, 2020

Types of Attacks in Network Security

Attacks: Attacks are nothing but gaining unauthorized access to a system or data.

Types of attacks:

  • Passive attacks
  • Active attacks
Passive Attacks:
                               A passive attack is an attack where the data is not modified, it is only accessed. It can be also known as Eavesdropping (where data or packets are just accessed nor destroyed or modified). For example, the sender is sending data to a receiver and the receiver receives it but in meanwhile the hacker or unauthorized person comes into the scenario and access the data.
                             Traffic Analysis is also a part of passive attacks here the unauthorized person monitors the traffic and access the data according to the traffic results

Image source: google

Active attacks:
                           An active attack is an attack where the data or packets are modified and sent with the name of the sender.

There are four types of Active attacks

  • Masquerade: the sender sends the data to the receiver before the packet reaches to the receiver it reaches to an unauthorized person and then he/she modifies the data and send the packet with the name of the sender. sometimes the sender doesn't even send the data the unauthorized person sends the data with the name of the sender
  • Replay attack: the sender sends the data to the receiver the packet reaches the receiver and at the same time even unauthorized users send the same data with the modification and now the receiver has no idea about the legitimate data or real data.

Data modification: the sender sends data to the receiver but the unauthorized person modifies the data and sends the data back to the receiver in the name of the sender.

Denial of service: the unauthorized person interrupts the services which are given by the server to the sender.
The attacker makes the server resources unavailable for genuine users.

Images source: google 

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