Everyone, hope you are doing well!
In this
Blog we would learn about Cyber Security.
What is
Cyber Security?
means Internet and security means securing internet so the easiest definition
for cyber security is nothing but preventing/Securing the internet is called
Cyber security.
What is
is gaining an unauthorized access to data.
What are types of hacker?
White Hat Hacker: One who is legal hackers,Who gain access of users system with their permission.White Hat hackers are also known as Ethical Hackers
Black Hat Hacker: One who is Illegal hacker ,who gain access of users system without their permission.Black Hat hackers, also known as crackers.
Grey Hat Hacker: One who blend of both black and white hat.
Hacktivist: One who utilizes technology to announce a social, ideological, religious, or political message
Script Kiddie: A script kiddie is a non-expert who breaks into computer systems by using automated tools written by others.
Terms used in cyber security:
Vulnerability : Weakness of the system.
Exploit: Taking advantage of the weakness (vulnerability)
Phases of Hacking:
- Phase
1 Information Gathering
- Phase
2 Scanning
- Phase
3 Gaining Access
- Phase
4 Maintaining Access
- Phase
5 Covering Tracks
Information Gathering: This is one of the basic step need to be performed while hacking or gaining access.In this phase we gather information about our victim such as in domain name,Email id's,Os used in organization , IP addresses used and versions of application used.
Scanning:In this phase of we scan the numbers of ports used or number of ports active
Gaining access: In this phase it's taking control of one or more network devices in order to either extract data from the target.
Maintaining Access:In this phase requires taking the steps involved in being able to be persistently within the target environment in order to gather as much data as possible.
Covering Tracks
:In this phase of covering
tracks that the attacker must take the steps necessary to remove all logs
and data entries which may help victim to know about the hack.
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